April 10, 2023 |
National Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo
Florida’s public power utilities had a strong showing at the national Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo on April 1 in Kansas City, Kansas. In the apprentice competition, Ryan Kornegay from JEA was the overall winner, and Ethan Shellabarger from Kissimmee Utility Authority placed second. In the journeyman competition, Matthew Brown, Tyler Homan and Henry Pearson of Ocala were the top team. A team from the City of Tallahassee finished fourth. Forty-five journeyman teams and 100 apprentices from 41 utilities competed. Overall, lineworkers from Florida public power either won or placed in all events for a total of 18 awards. The full results are available on APPA’s website.
Florida Public Power Salary Survey Results
Results of the 2023 Salary Survey are now available on the Portal. The survey provides Florida-specific salary and benefits information to help utilities analyze employee retention. Eighteen of FMPA’s 31 members responded to the survey. Contact: Sharon Adams
Member Services Advisory Committee
FMPA’s Member Services Advisory Committee meets on Monday at 11 a.m. in the Board Room to consider the approval and recommendation of budget items to the Finance Committee. The committee will also hear five information items, including: 1) mobile substation project update, 2) Lineworker Safety Program update, 3) overview of upcoming trainings and events, 4) substation asset management update, and 5) update on organizational changes and sharing resources. The agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Sharon Adams
ARP Rate Workshop
The All-Requirements Project meets on Wednesday at 2 p.m. via Microsoft Teams to review project loads, costs and rates for March. The agenda package for the ARP Rate Workshop will be available on the Portal prior to the meeting. Contact: Jason Wolfe
Lineman’s Roundtable
FMPA hosts a Lineman’s Roundtable on Thursday at 10 a.m. at its Orlando office. The roundtable provides a forum for line crews to exchange ideas on operating practices, safety, training, tools and equipment, and other topics of interest. The roundtable is open to all levels of utility line crew personnel. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Resilient Florida Grants Webinar Series
The Resilient Florida program will host an informational webinar series leading up to and during the 2023 grant application period, which begins July 1 and ends Sept. 1. The program assists Florida communities in preparing for and dealing with the effects of sea level rise, especially coastal flooding, erosion and ecosystem changes. The first webinar is on April 19 at 10 a.m. and will discuss the Florida Adaptation Planning Guidebook. Webinar 2 is on May 17 and will discuss program guidance for applicants. Webinar 3 is on June 21 and will discuss planning and implementation grant questions and answers and portal navigation. The last webinar in the series is on July 26 and will discuss general portal questions.
Brett Carleton | April 11 | 1 Year
Policy Makers Liaisons Committee
April 19 | 12:30 p.m. | FMPA Orlando office
Finance Committee
April 19 | 2 p.m. | FMPA Orlando office
FMPA Governing Board Meetings
April 20 | 9 a.m. | FMPA Orlando office
Administrative Professionals Roundtable
April 20 | 10 a.m. | Leesburg – Venetian Center
Florida Ranked 8th for Highest Electric Bills Across U.S. in 2022
FPL Bills to Decrease Marginally through 2023, Costs Still Up this Year
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas.