FMPA Weekly | April 12, 2021 | Member Edition


 TOP NEWS                                                           

Value of Municipal Utility
Jacob Williams presented at the city of Wauchula’s Commission Workshop last Monday on the value of being a municipal utility and the benefits it provides to customers. FMPA is available to support members who are interested in the Value of Municipal Utility presentations for their Governing Boards.

MSAC Meeting
The Member Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) met last week to hear a report on the first year of implementing FMPA’s chargeable member services policy. The committee was presented with information and an option to consider reducing the chargeable threshold below the current 120-hour level. The committee decided to maintain the policy without changes. Contact: Mark McCain

ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee meets Tuesday at 2 p.m. to review March’s ARP rate calculation. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jason Wolfe

Transformer Painting and Inspection Bid
Members interested in FMPA’s joint bid for Transformer Painting and Inspection should contact Sharon Samuels by Tuesday. Participation in the joint bid is open to all FMPA members. The scope of service includes painting and inspection of Padmount Transformers and Electrical Substation Equipment.

Demand Management Workshop
The All- Requirements Project (ARP) Executive Committee meets Wednesday at 10 a.m. for a Demand Management Workshop at FMPA’s Orlando Office. The workshop will focus on the ARP’s upcoming capacity needs and discuss an approach to exploring different forms of demand side management. The ARP overall capacity position has changed since 2014 and demand management can be a valuable tool for all ARP members to meet future load and manage costs. Participants can also join via Teams. Contact: Ken Rutter

Policy Makers Liaisons Committee
FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee meets Wednesday at 1 p.m. via teleconference. The Committee will hear four information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Mark McCain

Finance Committee
FMPA’s Finance Committee meets Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the Board room. The committee will consider three action items. A teleconference option is available for those who prefer to dial in. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Linda Howard

Board of Directors
FMPA’s Board of Directors meets Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Board room.  The Board will consider one action item. A teleconference option is available for those who prefer to dial in. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams

Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee meets Thursday at 9:15 a.m., or immediately following the Board. The committee will consider one action item. A teleconference option is available for those who prefer to dial in. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams

Protecting Florida’s Critical Power Infrastructure Event
FMPA in partnership with ICS cybersecurity company Dragos is hosting a cybersecurity event on April 27. The event will share insights and recommendations from experts in the cybersecurity field on protecting Florida’s power infrastructure against cyber threats. Registration is free and the event is available both virtually and in-person. Contact: Carter Manucy

Distribution Reliability Roundtable
FMPA will host a Distribution Reliability Roundtable on June 17 at FMPA’s Orlando Office. The roundtable provides a forum for participants in the FMPA Distribution Reliability Program to discuss distribution reliability related topics including: the FMPA reliability reporting process and program definitions and interpretations. A teleconference option is available. Seating is limited to accommodate for social distancing guidelines. Registration is free. Contact: Cairo Vanegas



Amie Erickson | April 16 | 21 years


AMI Roundtable
April 28 | 9 a.m. | Teleconference

Finance Committee
May 5 | 2 p.m. | FMPA Orlando Office

Purchasing Roundtable
May 13 | 10 a.m. | Teleconference

Finance Committee
May 19 | 2 p.m. | FMPA Orlando Office

Governing Board Meetings
May 20 | 9 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office


TECO Customers Could See Rate Increases


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Amy Raleigh. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.