Jan. 24, 2022 |
APPA Legislative Rally
Members planning to attend the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Legislative Rally on Feb. 28-March 2 in Washington, D.C. should be aware of mask and vaccination requirements for people in the city. Face masks and the COVID-19 vaccination are required to enter buildings, including restaurants, indoor event and meeting spaces and hotel common areas. Effective Feb. 15, individuals must show proof of two doses of the COVID-19 vaccination to enter these areas, which means people who got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine must have a booster shot. Please contact Ryan Dumas if you no longer plan to attend the Rally. APPA is offering a refund for those who have already registered to attend and would like to cancel.
Board of Directors Appointment
Ocala appointed new Electric Utility Director Doug Peebles to serve as the city’s primary representative to FMPA’s Executive Committee and the alternate representative to the Board of Directors. Assistant City Manager Bill Kauffman will continue to serve as the city’s primary representative to the Board and the alternate representative to the Executive Committee.
Policy Makers Liaison Committee
FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee met last Wednesday and heard three information items, including: 1) update on energy prices, electric rates and energy-related issues in Congress, 2) update on the Florida Municipal Solar Project and plans for Phase III, and 3) presentation on net metering and proposed legislation. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Susan Schumann
Finance Committee
FMPA’s Finance Committee met last Wednesday and approved: 1) fiscal 2021 financial audit, 2) budget amendment for the Pooled Loan Project, and 3) appointment of Jesse Perloff from Keys Energy Services (KEYS) to replace Jack Wetzler, who recently retired from KEYS. The committee also heard three information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Linda Howard
Board of Directors
FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved three action items, including: 1) fiscal 2021 financial audit, 2) Information Technology Risk Policy, and 3) Human Resources Risk Policy. The Board also heard two information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams
ARP Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved six action items, including: 1) fiscal 2021 financial audit, 2) additional pre-paid natural gas purchases, 3) Information Technology Risk Policy, 4) Human Resources Risk Policy, 5) a mid-2020s capacity update and request, and 6) spending authority for the containment and remediation of an oil discharge at Stock Island. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams
Stanton Unit II Refinancing
FMPA received six bids for the refinancing of Stanton Unit II Series 2012 bonds. FMPA staff will review the responses to the request for proposals and provide a recommendation during the Board of Directors meeting on Feb. 17. Contact: Rich Popp
Monthly Technology Call
FMPA’s information technology and operational technology teams meet Wednesday at 10 a.m. for the monthly member call. Discussion topics will include current cybersecurity issues and best practices. IT and OT personnel at FMPA’s member cities are encouraged to participate. Contact: Carter Manucy
Foreman Academy Certification Series
Registration is open for the first track of the Foreman Academy Certification class scheduled for March 21-24 at FMPA’s Orlando office. The certification provides upcoming leaders and general foremen with the knowledge and tools to lead line crews. Additional information is available on FMPA’s website. Contact: Sharon Samuels
New Substation Services Available
Several members have expressed interest for FMPA to expand its member service agreements for substation services to include dissolved gas analysis testing, battery testing and other services. Members interested in these and other substations services should contact Alan O’Heron.
Richard Montgomery Retiring
Congratulations to Richard Montgomery, who retires on Friday after nearly 15 years of service to FMPA and its members. Richard has supported the Agency’s power marketing efforts and natural gas purchases, designed systems to analyze electric rates, and managed projects to help reduce power costs. Join us in wishing Richard well in the next chapter of his life.
Welcome, John Bradley
Please welcome John Bradley, who joins FMPA on Tuesday as the Business Development Analyst. In this role, John will evaluate and recommend opportunities to market power and natural gas. John has a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance and a minor in computing technology and applications from the University of Alabama. John has more than seven years of experience, including the past three years with Southern Power. John will report to Chris Gowder.
Susan Schumann | Jan. 26 | 24 years
Jim Arntz | Jan. 29 | 15 Years
Finance Committee
Feb. 16 | 2 p.m. | FMPA Orlando Office
FMPA Governing Board Meetings
Feb. 17 | 9 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office
APPA Legislative Rally
Feb. 28 – March 2 | Washington, D.C.
TECO Seeks $165 Million from Customers for Fuel Costs
Duke Energy Launches Study for Test Improvements to Energy Resiliency
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Rachel Ilardi or Anna Castro. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.
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