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FMPA Weekly | May 14, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   May 14, 2012     LAST WEEK   Turkey Point Units 6 and 7 Update Florida Power & Light met Friday with Florida municipal electric utilities interested in participating in the company’s proposed Turkey Point nuclear units 6 & 7. Participating in the meeting were […]

FMPA Weekly | May 7, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   May 7, 2012     LAST WEEK   ARP Meters and RTUs Upgrade Juan Bailey recently completed the upgrade of 30 meters and 10 remote terminal units (RTU) installed in All-Requirements Project (ARP) member cities. The equipment was obsolete and no longer supported by the […]

FMPA Weekly | April 30, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members April 30, 2012     LAST WEEK   E-Meeting Bill Signed into Law Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed into law last Friday a bill that will enable more govemental agencies, including FMPA and Florida Gas Utility, to conduct public meetings using audio and video communication technology. The […]

FMPA Weekly | April 23, 2012 | Member Edition

  FMPA Weekly A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members April 23, 2012       LAST WEEK   Policy Makers Liaisons Committee FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee (PMLC) met last Wednesday at the Orlando Utilities Commission’s Dispatch Center to lea about the Florida Municipal Power Pool and to tour the dispatch center. The PMLC’s next […]

FMPA Weekly | April 16, 2012 | Member Edition

  FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   April 16, 2012     LAST WEEK   Member City Visits Mike Siefert traveled to Starke last Tuesday to observe an audit of the city’s Energy Audit Program, which is funded by an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant. On Thursday, Mike and Mount […]

FMPA Weekly | April 9, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   April 9, 2012     LAST WEEK   SharePoint Demonstration FMPA’s Information Technology and Regulatory Compliance departments met last Monday with representatives from Tampa Electric Company for a demonstration of how they use Microsoft SharePoint. FMPA is investigating implementing best practices for SharePoint’s document management, […]

FMPA Weekly | April 2, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   April 2, 2012         LAST WEEK   2012 ARP Load Forecast FMPA recently published the 2012 ARP Load Forecast. This report forecasts the peak load and net energy for load (NEL) of the All-Requirements Project (ARP). The 2012 Load Forecast has been […]

FMPA Weekly | March 26, 2012 | Member Edition

 FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   March 26, 2012     LAST WEEK   Business Model Working Group The All-Requirements Project’s Business Model Working Group (BMWG) met last Wednesday to discuss an idea for smoothing energy rates called Gas at Nominal Tabs (GANT). The idea was proposed by Kissimmee Utility Authority […]

FMPA Weekly | March 19, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   March 19, 2012     LAST WEEK   Peer Review Spot Check As part of FMPA’s inteal compliance program, FMPA’s Regulatory Compliance Department began the process this week for Kissimmee Utility Authority’s (KUA) annual spot check. FMPA’s Compliance Department, along with volunteers from member cities, […]

FMPA Weekly | March 12, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   March 12, 2012     LAST WEEK   Board Room Audio RFP FMPA last Thursday selected Infinity AV and Security to help improve the audio system in FMPA’s Board room. Representatives from Infinity will begin testing the current system this week to diagnose problems and […]