FMPA Weekly | Jan. 10, 2022 | Member Edition

Members of FMPA’s Leadership Team are attending the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Joint Action Conference on Monday and Tuesday in Destin, Fla.

FMPA Weekly | Jan. 3, 2022 | Member Edition

Tampa Electric (TECO) will purchase wholesale power from FMPA in January and February, enabling the Agency to sell excess capacity and reduce costs for All-Requirements Project participants.

FMPA Weekly | Dec. 20, 2021 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly will not be published during the week of Dec. 27, in observance of the holiday season.

FMPA Weekly | Dec. 13, 2021 | Member Edition

The FMPA Board of Directors honored John Tompeck’s retirement from Fort Pierce Utilities Authority during last week’s Board meeting.

FMPA Weekly | Dec. 6, 2021 | Member Edition

FMPA finalized a power purchase agreement with Tampa Electric Co. (TECO) last week to sell capacity and energy in January and February 2022.

FMPA Weekly | Nov. 29, 2021 | Member Edition

FMPA is working on the 2022 All-Requirements Project (ARP) load forecast, which predicts future peak and energy loads for ARP member cities.

FMPA Weekly | Nov. 22, 2021 | Member Edition

FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved two action items, including the approval of management goals for fiscal 2022 and the DataSite Orlando contract renewal.

FMPA Weekly | Nov. 15, 2021 | Member Edition

FMPA’s external auditors, Purvis Gray completed FMPA’s fiscal 2021 audit last Thursday at FMPA’s Orlando Office and found no significant issues.

FMPA Weekly | Nov. 8, 2021 | Member Edition

Natural gas prices continue to rise, and forecasters predict gas prices will climb even higher in mid-to late November.

FMPA Weekly | Nov. 1, 2021 | Member Edition

Cane Island Unit 3 achieved a milestone last Thursday when it completed an unprecedented operating run of 234 continuous days without being taken offline.