FMPA and the Florida Municipal Electric Association kick off a month-long social media campaign on Monday to recognize Florida’s public power lineworkers.
FMPA’s independent external auditor, Purvis, Gray and Company, were at FMPA’s Orlando office last week to conduct an interim audit for fiscal 2022.
FMPA’s Executive Committee updated its natural gas price risk strategy for the next eight months to provide more stability and better predictability in power costs for customers.
The Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved the use of an additional $25 million from the 2021B bond proceeds to cover margin calls and deferred bond repayment from June to July.
The ARP Executive Committee meets on Thursday at 2 p.m. via Microsoft Teams for a special-called meeting to discuss increasing the margin call limit of $25 million.
The All-Requirements Project (ARP) set a new summer peak demand of 1,311 MW on June 16, exceeding the previous record of 1,294 MW set in 2021 for the 13 project participants.
The ARP Executive Committee met last Tuesday and approved a fixed-price natural gas strategy with Florida Gas Utility to manage future price risks.
The ARP Executive Committee meets on Tuesday at 2 p.m. via conference call for a special-called meeting.
FMPA is supporting members with presentations to their local governing bodies on higher energy costs and the impacts on utilities and their customers.
The 2022 hurricane season begins Wednesday, and there is already a medium chance of tropical development in the Gulf of Mexico this week. Forecasts predict an above-normal season with up to 21 named storms.